Therefore, in current lives, the main emphasis is on working alone and isolating from large groups of people and friends in order to concentrate on realizing unique and creative ideas. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. In past lives, you may have been a lawyer or a mediator. Anger also plays a significant role in these peoples lives; because of past lives where their rage could not be healthily recognized and expressed, there may be a lot of latent anger that these individuals are learning to deal with and release in healthy ways. People with this placement were often adored in the past, and they lived like a royalty. South Node Ketu also signifies intuition and the subconscious mind which holds every experience, skills, and pieces of knowledge that have been obtained in the past life. With the air sign Aquarius in your south node, you developed a sense of being above the human condition. Look at your North Node and see what your karma is - WeMystic Speaking of which, the subconscious talents include a basic understanding of how networks are created. North Node in Leo: South Node in Aquarius. To begin with, South Node Ketu in Leo indicates that the major activities in past life revolved around the significances of the given zodiac sign. However, you may be realizing that career success doesnt necessarily bring you the fulfillment you desire. If you were born with your South Node in Sagittarius, theres no way you werent an explorer in a past life. Here are the opposing astrology houses: 1st house opposes 7th house. Its time to open your heart to others and allow love to show you how to be in a healthy and harmonious partnership by following your North Node in Libra. . Whether or not you believe in past lives, discovering the sign . I was likely involved in some sort of radical movement or experienced persecution or torture. They had a strong urge to be active and resourceful in life while being selfless and respectful towards nature, animals, and people. The comfort we feel with our South Node versus the discomfort we experience with our North Node is certainly reminiscent of a past versus current life dynamic. In Vedic Astrology, Rahu shows where we are weak and Ketu indicates our power developed from multiple past lives. In other words, Ketu gives a clue about past lifes main activities, desires, directions, and talents which manifest in current life as natural subconscious talents. However, because Aries is also incredibly ambitious, you could also have been a politician, a government official or even a king! Religious truth & wisdom to bless your lifeKeep repenting and repeating secretly in mind: "God is enough for me and I bear witness that there is no other worthy of worship than the Almighty Creator alone" for the joy and abundance of God to flow in(Surat al-Baqarah 2:163)Whoever makes the Hereafter (aims for piety & righteousness) his/her goal, Allah (english: God) makes his/her heart rich, and organizes his/her affairs, and the world comes to him/her whether it wants to or not (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2465)And God is the most merciful and loving. When taking some risks and being confident, people with South Node in Aquarius can end up again being happy and feeling balanced. (Riyad as-Salihin 1808). We can be too quick to immediately reject the qualities of thesouth nodebecause the comfort zone is looked down upon as something to avoid. However, in this lifetime, youre ready to leave behind the astral realm and ground yourself in the physical realm. What Is A South Node In An Astrology Chart, And What Each - GOSTICA It might have something to do with the fact that your South Node is in Taurus. An Aries South Node may indicate that, in the past, you may have been a bit selfishand now, you need to learn how to share with others. It encourages you to be vulnerable in this lifetime. South Node (SN) in Aquarius, South Node (SN) in the 11th House So in this lifetime with anorth nodein Capricorn, your point of growth and fulfillment is all about taking the people skills you innately possess and pointing them towards structure outside of your home life, namely in your career. All the articles are based on the information given by Ancient Sages as seen from various classical sources which are addressed to Vedic enthusiasts. It's your destiny. It goes without saying that if it goes unchecked, these people can naturally spend a significant amount of time up in their heads trying to figure out what the friendly or acceptable way to act will be instead of acting on their innate and individual impulses. You'll be most fulfilled fighting for causes that you care about and collaborating with others. North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius, by House If you needed to put yourself aside in past lives, now it is your time to shine. You could have been someone who works in public speaking or communications. Please comment & share the article with your friends using social media buttons below. Allowing yourself to experience more unpredictability in your working life. 6 thoughts on " The South Node and Your Past Lives " Yvonne October 12, 2018 at 11:32 am. Astrologers use the lunar nodes to determine where your destiny lies (North Node) and what you were in past lifetimes (South Node). (The past dictates the future if we embrace our karmic lessons. The south node: Your innate gifts and past life. To regain a sense of . Being ruled by Uranus I feel the leftover karmic energy of a feeling like having to hide who I really am especially in terms of my spiritual beliefs and practices. Its not likely that misbehaving and going against our moral code of ethics will have us coming back into the next life as a toad, at least not in astrological symbolism. Finally, Hedonism and love affairs can also be indicated by this placement and this may be something that you struggle with in your present life. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. What natives with this placement arent realizing is that when theyre expressing their confidence, they obtain the freedom they need to be independent and as fascinating as they want to be. That means owning a lot of pretty things wont necessarily bring you the fulfillment youre searching for in this life. South Node Ketu is all about detachment and liberation while Aquarius represents the 11th house which belongs to the triangle of desires. Take a look what ancient Sages wrote about your chart; Specific periods when the results of planets manifest fully - with personal interpretations; Dignities of planets with five-fold table - see if bad dignity is cancelled; Cancellation of debilitation calculation; Detailed analysis of planetary main and subperiods many years ahead; Solar Return Analysis - Monthly analysis of 2 years ahead; All the Divisional charts - Discover Planetary Effects in Different Life Areas; Mathematical Planetary Strengths - Determine how prominent the mentioned results will be; Many General Detailed Predictions by Classics; And much more in a 177+ page report (from 0.15 usd/page). In Astrology, Zodiac Signs represent the "how" we deal with life. This is because our south node governs in the realm of those lessons we have already mastered. 2) Synastry of draconic charts. When you are born, you are given innate strengths and weaknesses, that's why some things come naturally to you and others do not. Spiritual Life Lessons: The Nodes of the Moon in Astrology But because youve already been around this block before, your South Node may also feel like your comfort zone. Rather it provides information on the most important past life themes for our present existence. Virgo opposes Pisces. Being conscious of themselves and trying to have their mind focused on intellectual subjects, they can no longer feel happy when others are admiring them for being themselves, in a setting in which theyre being successful all the time. Developing self-concern. This is commonly explained by South Node connections- an angle between a person's planet and the lover's . As a result of this, in the current life, they do not have too much natural wisdom. Those with their north andsouth nodeson the Virgo and Pisces axis are the people that are natural-born healers. . In your past lives, you may have been a revolutionary; someone who overthrew a brutal dictatorship. South Node Fifth House (Leo), North Node Eleventh House (Aquarius) The other assumption that I see about north node in . Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. Regarding personality traits, Leo signifies self . To connect with her and learn more about astrology, you can email her at, or follow her Instagram @elisabetham. South Node Fifth House (Leo), North Node Eleventh House (Aquarius) With the South Node in the Fifth House, the default pattern or the past life pattern of the Soul is concentrated on its own self-expression, risk-taking, and whatever brings it joy---including just plain fun. When compared to Capricorn, which is also ruled by Saturn, Aquarius is more comfortable. Planets conjunct the South Node Any planets within 10 degrees of your south node provide an additional layer to your past life and provide insight into your core past-life personality. These people need to channel their Leo "roar" to reach a wider audience. Individuals with their South Node in Aquarius are detached and not personally involved, so when it comes to the glorification of the self, theyre completely behind it. North Node Aquarius in the 1st house teaches you to distance yourself from passionate feelings that cloud your judgment and identity. North and South Nodes 2022: Nodes of Destiny in Taurus & Scorpio Sometimes lovers feel connected, as if they knew each other in past incarnations. This comes through most strongly with my family but also within the corporate world. It is worth taking the time tostudy your south node placementto see where it is that you might be hiding out from life or the areas in which you are naturally inclined to keep your life smaller than it is meant to be, or on the road that you are already familiar with. That's because you've been independent for many of your past lives, which is . These are not the people you find just going with the flow. They are apt to have their way of doing things and believe they know best in all situations. Taking pride in your appearance. When looking at our South Node in terms of our Karma, past lives, and ancestry, we can potentially uncover areas of deep, inner healing that can be achieved and find peace by coming to terms with that aspect of history. Any spotlight on you is meant to be shared with the masses. The Nodes of the Moon: The North & South Nodes in Astrology North Node in Aquarius / South Node in Leo Truly Divine There can be transits that awaken their consciousness and have them giving up old behaviors in order to make room for new ones. South Node (SN) in Aquarius, South Node (SN) in the 2nd House Becoming personally involved in your own life. Theyre known as good observers of the human nature, so they can make the psychological profiles of many. People born within your same lunar node group are like your "soul squad.". This is because they like being treated like equals and not having any ambition. Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. In terms of the 5th House, what most resonated with me is the past creative skills that Im finally allowing myself to express through my business as well as the Hedonism aspect. Your instinct to comfort and your inherent nurturing abilities indicate that you have been a mother in several lifetimes. Instead of being a domestic caretaker, youre learning how to be a provider; how to be someone who goes out there and makes a name for themselves in order to support your family. Often these arent the things that come naturally to us. With that being said, a dignified Saturn enhances their likelihood of becoming successful because of endowing them with unshakable persistence and durability. These . Because of their good intentions towards everyone, they received a tremendous amount of honor and were celebrated within their group, network, or community. In astrology, the lunar nodes . North Node in Leo: Finding Adventure and Inspiration - LoveToKnow North Node in Aquarius Awakening With Seda North Node in Leo / South Node in Aquarius Truly Divine In general, the South Node shows natural skills or giftsas well as traumasfrom past lives. . Instead, youre supposed to surrender to the flow of the universe, embrace your innate spirituality and tap into the power of your imagination. My South Node is in the 5th House with the south node in this house past lives may have had unexpected pregnancies or issues around children. In this lifetime, youre always ready to answer the call to adventure and live life to the fullest. Since the north and south node placements change about every 18 months, everyone born within the same date range has the same north and south node placements. If Saturn and/or South Node Ketu in Aquarius is connected with special and powerful planetary combinations in the natal birth charts it indicates that they had very important positions in their community. With Taurus as your south node and Scorpio then as yournorth node, your creature comforts are a place for you to return when you need to recharge and regroup, but you will not find fulfillment in the accumulation of things in this lifetime. Image: Getty; Adobe. The 8th/2nd House Axis North Node in 8th House There is a need for the person to accept the unorthodox, to actively seek the unknown and the means to impose your own power on life. 3) Synastry of birth x draconic chart. The Lunar Nodes are points that form an axis in your birth chart and are central to your life's story. This blog may ask you to suspend belief for a minute and feel into the concept of past lives and reincarnation sing Past Life Astrology. Youve wondered how theSouth Noderelates, what it signifies or how to find both your north and south node; we have the answers for you. So, how do you take what you have learned and conquered from previous lifetimes and apply it to this life? In a past life, you took the Aquarius trait of logic to an extreme.
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