Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED] - Webnovel Only for Saber to arrive, slashing at Caster. . I will explain what is happening after I have confirmed your safety." Gilgamesh questioned. "This battle is gonna go nowhere at this rate. The Legends of Shirou Emiya Chapter 1: The first hero - FanFiction "You've arrived. A false god shot. Now he had the range advantage, the blades as long as Shirou's and wielded by a much larger (and more experienced) person. They had managed to pursue Saber to a classroom, only to find her dead. It was a simple, yet effective threat. Please Your Goddess - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own At least, that was his plan, right up until he noticed that a Servant (a dark-skinned man wearing a red coat) was standing on a nearby roof with a girl. Archer smirked. "You exist outside time, right? Shirou asked. "Lancer, I apologize for meeting you under these circumstances." Entered into the fifth holy grail war, he resolves to save as many as he can. The Grail wanted to grant a wish. True Assassin uuuh, na, I doubt they would get along. I hope we will get the chance to continue our fight at a later date." So did an arrow. Karna blocked a heavy strike from Saber, skidding across the pavement from the force. "C'mon, Hippogriff!" And even if she was an assassin, murdering a boy for being a witness wouldn't sit right with her. "Tohsaka told me that Servants are summoned because they want the Holy Grail. I'm just making it a little bit less painful. Shirou only got off fine because he expected it and braced himself for the sound. ", "Servant Rider, True Name Astolfo. Assassin. Archer merely said, summoning the shield to block the attack. Archer chuckled. Astolfo sped up, barely dodging the last burst of magic. More portals opened, each firing a weapon. Lancer complimented. Shirou held it, giving it a test swing. Astolfo was forced to watch, desperately hoping they could win. More Community Anime/Manga Fate/stay night Fem shirou. "I don't have a wish. Crack fic. ", Shirou nodded in understanding. Mercifully, Astolfo held back enough that he would have any injuries that would impede him that night. "You stole my father from me." If either him or Astolfo could get in close, they could probably beat him then and there. Perhaps his Master wasn't a particularly great Mage, but he was probably the finest chef the world will ever see. He didnt notice when his feet tangled, but he was lying on the ground propped up by his elbows before he knew it with a burning in his hand and a flash of red aiming for his heart. "I don't really have a wish either! She barely managed to see it coming and block the strike, being sent into the yard by the sheer force of the blow. So far, so good. Nothing you'll do would fix that. I like . ", "I have a name." Whether or not the armoured Archer had materialised on earth as the hero of the eponymous tale, Shirou accepted that for however long this spirit would haunt him, Gilgamesh deserved the respect that one would give the so-named legend of past. Gates of Babylon continued to open new portals, firing weapon after weapon upon Karna. His tone seemed warmer than usual. A summoning circle glowed near him, and a Servant appeared from it before Saber's very eyes. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). He was too slow on the draw. So I've noticed that there aren't very good or well non existent works reacting to the Fate Series so I have decided to do this since no one else will. Archer wants to kill him, so no? You have won our pointless battle." "To ashes." There was still a long journey ahead of them. This is what happens when you watch Emiya Gohan while fighting writer's block and crying over how sad the actual canon is. Archer had done his research on previous Grail Wars, and none of them ended with Astolfo winning. He projected a new blade, preparing to meet Kirei's next attack. Do you think these two would get along or would Gill chop his head off? "I feel the same way." . Berserker materialized behind her. Rider swooped in to save Shinji, leaving Shirou to fall. "Die.". The man dwarfed her in size, and he had hair all over the parts of his chalk white skin not covered by black leather. "I could set up a connection between myself and him to feed him mana but we don't have the time. "It's all up to you now. "You're Shirou Emiya, aren't you?" Hahaha!!! An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works These are all imitations. Let's just see what you can do!" Shirou, you understand who is truly Master and Servant, here. Of course, given that it was Shirou Emiya, he couldn't help but ask the obvious question, even if it will probably speed his impending demise. "So, Emiya, what are you going to do?" "I wish we could have had a chance to fit on truly equal footing, without the worries of our Masters." As the battle between Servants continued to escalate, Shirou was only able to watch. Is everything okay?" In some universes, Shirou Emiya would summon the legendary King of Knights and would fight in the Holy Grail War with her at his side. "What are you doing here?". Berserker didn't seem to care, sprinting out of the temple grounds and bounding into the night. Lancer answered. Astolfo's probably going to be the only Servant to remember Apocrypha (barring Semiramis and Shakespeare, but that's only a maybe right now). Shirou got beat up a lot that day. I suppose you could call it something like that. "Lancer managed to flee in the cloud of smoke. At least, that was what he had inferred, based on the circumstances of his summoning. Karna was sent flying into a building, crashing through it and landing on the other side. Gilgamesh was apparently also satisfied by Shirous attitude, as he awaited with crossed arms for Shirou to precede him out the door as a king would wait for a guard. "Last time I saw it used, my Master he had to sacrifice himself to prevent something really bad from happening. "Ah, you're the Rider-class Servant of this war." "Meet me in the Einzbern mansion. Gilgamesh would become his best friend. ", "He does pose a problem. His skill told him that Shirou was probably one of the most heroic people in this era, even if he seemed to bear an odd emptiness in his spirit. Archer stepped around Shirou to dodge, going for his backside. Archer let two enormous blades hover beside him, prepared to strike. The spirit paused. Shirou and Astolfo arrived at the Einzbern mansion. Karna said, nodding. "Hello, Big Brother." ", "I can see that." He worried for her, and his Master's, safety. That still doesn't explain why Tohsaka is here. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. "Lancer's mana consumption is far more than Archer's," She sounded sad as she spoke her Servant's name. Shinji and Rider literally could not perceive what happened, as it all happened far too fast. The same swords Archer used. What would happen if Shirou Emiya summoned the son of the Sun God, or one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne? Even with his armor reducing damage by ninety percent, those weapons were not something he would want to actually be hit with. Rin questioned, staring at him in confusion. Last Shirou checked, he owned the short-legged table that Gilgamesh had yet to see. Karna killed him just as he finished speaking. The Saga of Shirou's Summons By: Pallan Minerva. THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFI. And besides, one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne would never pass up an opportunity to help someone in need!". Shirou unleashed a flurry of slashes from every angle, and Kuzuki blocked them with every ounce of speed Caster had granted him. "You are correct, Lancer. "I don't truly have a wish. Kirei drew his Black Keys, deciding it was time to get serious. Rin mumbled, regaining consciousness after the previous blow knocked her out. Kirei was expected to be at Ryuudou Temple, the primary summoning location for the Holy Grail. Shirou had seen him in the shower while trying to inform him that dinner was ready, and saw far more than he would have liked. wentworth by the sea brunch menu; will i be famous astrology calculator; wie viele doppelfahrstunden braucht man; how to enable touch bar on macbook pro If Shirou is a backstabbing coward. She questioned, before giggling. Blade after blade materialized along the ground. "Yep! Karna immediately followed this by impaling Gilgamesh on his lance. Shirou's swords shattered with each deflection, only to be replaced just as fast with new copies. Saber backflipped away from a swing of the lance, landing on the building's side. Archer's swords, Kanshou and Bakuya, appeared in his hands. Gae Bolg skewers her and then he kills Shirou. I'll take care of this." Astolfo smirked. "You're putting up far more of a fight than last time. ", "I understand." He diverted each slash as he did with Kiritsugu all those years ago, feeling a rush of nostalgia. And then flames started to spread into the room. ", "Most likely. The contents of my vault surpass even my knowledge.. It doesn't really matter if a boy or a girl wears them. Shirou was half-conscious, Archer working on ascertaining the damage. Shirou barely managed to block a slash from Kirei's Black Keys, his weapon shattering on impact. She walked right into the living room after all of his guests had left, trying to give him a fair chance. They were both siblings that had never met . She declared. "Master, it has been an honor to serve you.". There was no way Shirou Emiya could pull that off. Luz summons a redheaded Hero of the Sword, beginning her journey to becoming a master Caster. Lancer punctuated that sentence by lunging at Astolfo. He had just returned home from school. "I'll do my best.". And then he rose back up. The mention of a contract also implied a bond to an extent, and though cryptid myths of spirits and possession likely had no place in Shirous unusual situation, he predicted a physical range in both his and Gilgameshs freedom. While Caster was distracted, Karna cut the strings trapping Shirou and Rin. It was like he wasn't even putting in any effort with that last strike. Even more portals opened up behind him when he called the True Name of his Noble Phantasm. He focused on that image, forcing his Magic Circuits to start firing. Sometimes, Shirou summons Gilgamesh. Astolfo gulped, raising her lance in preparation to block. Whatever it is, I'll do it. He deflected Berserker's weapon into the ground, using the moment the enemy Servant's guard was down to stab him in the heart. I have business in Fuyuki and am lodging here for the time being." This place is Type moon! "Child, I am not going to let you attack him." This meant that Shirou would have to face off against Kirei on his own. "I wish I was allowed to savor this battle a little longer, but my Master has ordered me to use my Noble Phantasm." "If he answers truthfully, then I also know of his identity-", "I am Karna, the son of the Sun God Surya." "Emiya!" Only the front gate can be entered by a Servant, and I am stationed here to guard it from other Servants." He manifested a spear with a sun-like head, and rushed at Saber. Karna recognized it as Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory. Lancer he faded away the moment the Holy Grail was destroyed." Shirou Emiya couldn't win. "Let's see if your weapons are as sharp as your tongues!". They began to turn. Saber arrived at the Emiya household, annoyed. And Shirou easily accept that role. Lancer stated. He pushed Berserker back, grabbing Shirou and throwing him out of the room. Shirou's Apocryphal Summons DONTSALTME69. "I had to kill far too many. Kanshou materialized in it. Despite his weapon clearly being designed for use on a mount, Astolfo wielded it with surprising skill. I will be posting one chapter a day until it is caught up. SERVANTS WHO NEVER SHOULD BE SUMMONED- PART 1. A tortured man with a heart that burns for justice stood before him. ", "Rin, can I trust you to use it to destroy the Grail?". This had resulted in Archer and Astolfo finally being in the same room. Or a grail without a bottom. "Ah, Hippogriff, what would I ever do without you?" On the opposite end, Saber was infinitely more skilled with her weapon than Astolfo was. In the middle of fading away during a heartfelt farewell with Rin, Archer stopped. While the priest's Command Seals were in effect, preventing her from using her full strength without express permission, she still should have done some damage against her foe. and even her daughter Illya and her friend Miyu with Chloe being included as well. Shirou and Tohsaka felt like they had just dodged a massive bullet. But she's more focused on the girl he's trying . He wore a black bodysuit that exposed his chest and a red cape with golden sun decorations. Privacy Policy. I got to stick around for a while after my last war, but you know how it is." Karna radiated intense heat for a moment as he aimed the spear up at the Holy Grail. "Tohsaka has formed a connection between herself and I, allowing her to act as my mana supply. "I ask of you, are you my Master?" Shirou projected weapon after weapon to block, parry, and deflect every single one shot at him, becoming a whirlwind of slashes that barely managed to tear through the offensive. More portals opened up, bombarding Karna and practically everything within a twelve meter radius of him with the finest versions of the finest treasures the world will ever know. "I suppose it really shouldn't surprise me that Kirei is involved in this war beyond being the Overseer. Your father was careless, and I killed him with the very dagger he gifted me. "Let's make it two wishes!" Even Gilgamesh seemed surprised by what he saw. "You'll do what, Faker? He said, before fading away. He would need to speak with his Master regarding her at a later date. The armoured man before him crossed his arms with a more open smirk, apparently pleased somewhat by Shirous words. Nothing else mattered. "Emiya, you shouldn't ask that question in front of another Master." He then pointed his lance at the utterly terrified Shinji. They had gone from a bad situation to outright teetering on the brink of destruction. Shirou projected a pair of swords. 65.8K 947 7. . If his goals are the same as canon (kill the Shirou that will become him to create a paradox), the following would be on the top of EMIYA's to-do list: Kill Kiritsugu (erases any possibility of Shirou inheriting his ideals) Kill Irisviel (self-explanatory; destroy the Lesser Grail and the entire ritual is meaningless for another couple of . "It only grazed my heart, so I'm still in fightin' shape!". "I'm Astolfo, one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne! Sometimes, Shirou summons Gilgamesh. Shinji questioned, laughing. Punctuating that sentence, he thrusted his lance for Lancer's chest. "Is this your plan? Shirou wasn't aware of a massive vault having also materialised in the warehouse, nor what Gilgamesh meant by treasure, but he at least understood the golden spirits words at their base level. Gilgamesh remained standing, half-dead but still alive. "Fine." ", Shirou was quiet. He must have made a face while enjoying Shirou's cooking. He said. Did I ever tell you what happened to your father in the last Holy Grail War?" "Ah, Rin. Emiya Shirou is doing his best at living happily in London with his girlfriend Tohsaka Rin and their girlfriend King Arthur. Shirou felt like he was barely following this conversation. Shirou moved, drawing the sword Astolfo gave him and rushing at Caster. shirou; fanfiction +3 more #5. Gilgamesh probably does his own thing in the Holy Grail War. The image of Justeaze Einzbern said. Crack fic. Archer stood behind Rin and Shirou, another pair of swords appearing in his hands. You are Caster's Master." Warning: contains reinterpretations and reimaginings that stray outside of traditional understandings of characters. His grip was surprisingly light. What if Kiritsugu summoned EMIYA? : r/fatestaynight - reddit Shirou managed to get up and stagger to the doorway. You saywar?, The king, Gilgamesh, dismissed his rings of light and lowered himself on a crate with crossed knees, somehow transforming the warehouse into a throne room by his air alone. "It's what? He actually think highly of Rin from his dialogue in CCC. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. While Shirou has mastered Heaven's Feel, he can only utilize Kaleidoscope through a Mystic Code, but with Unlimited . It wasn't so much that Gilgamesh was the stronger Servant (they were roughly tied), so much as Karna was simply in a disadvantageous situation.
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