Now, if you wanna get crazy and have a Rich Kid Elf Warrior, your senses will be 8 (or 9, thanks to the new game room item), which you can boost, conceivably, to 14 by the very end of the game, which means riposte will work almost 3 out of 4 times. You need to know what condition you're inflicting so you can line them all up - this skill is almost worse than nothing in that respect. Which means it's a weak version of Touch of Blight or Frostbite, but with conditions that actually have good stacking damage. Added to that is the +16 Damage and +16 Threat, and if you make your Druid a Dwarf Jock, you will indeed be doing some very major damage here. If you commit fully to this idea, you can make all your other players low Threat casters and specialists and also give them weak non-Threatening weapons so that after casting this once the Knight's threat is at about 85%, and a second time brings it to 95%. Prepare to inhabit a world of chivalry, class warfare and off-beat pop references. The Surfer is good here, not so much because it's the perfect fit, but because he's the only player left with 2 Body, and the other ones are more needed where they are in this team. He's the most skilled warrior of the bunch, with some skills that, if used correctly, make him burningly impressive. The Druid in particular benefits from this if you build him up as a frenzied bear, giving him the protection he desperately needs without reducing the energy he needs to maul monsters twice each turn. And lo! Basically giving you the chance to be always at full health after fights in the early chapters. That's just never going to really happen though, your other teammates need to have fun too, so there's a few ways of doing this. Valve Corporation. And seeing as you'll get hit more than once in almost any battle, this can be pretty handy. As with all Burn inflicting skills, this one has the added bonus of bypassing the first resistance roll. So what this means is that you are literally going to torch all the weaklings facing you to ash. It's at least better than the Warlock's Life Steal, but that's a pretty low bar. More likely though, way before that, you're gonna realize how extra disappointing this skill is largely because of the promise it seemed to hold, and start your game over with a better Psion build. But really you only need to get this skill up to mid-level to take advantage of this magical healing loophole. The price is also decent. What's awesome and unique about it is that you get a free attack with it, every time you get hit. Take this to level 24, and you have yourself +32 spell damage and +16 energy regen every turn. Unfortunately, despite looking cool and having some genuinely groovy out-of-the-box-thinking kind of skills, kind of like the Hunter this guy is not terribly efficient unless you use him just right. It would be a waste to leave your Rug dial set here for the game, but certainly in the beginning when you're finding a new location every few quests you could leave it here for a bit. He's got like 4 extra skills your barbarian doesn't have and he gets 2 attacks each turn, for some reason. "Anything affecting adjacent enemies can affects all enemies (50%/100% probability)" - Some of the group attack skills in this game don't need this, like the row damaging ones and Life Steal and Hail of Arrows, but most of them (and all the best ones) do. As now this section of the guide is nigh unusable by those playing the PC version, for whom it is designed. But what makes a Monk a Monk? If it does hit with all three bolts, this is the highest unmodified single target damage in the game. And if you think of it as an equation, and whoever you heal actually needs all that HP, in the best possible scenario it equates to 448 damage (224 done and 224 healed), which is totally wicked. "Consumable restore +15% more health and energy per level" - up to +75%. This new build came about with just one thought. But it reduces your Threat to zero, so you're unlikely to get hit again. Preserver of nature, lover of beasts (no, not in that way! Mage: good single target damage, great group damage. Most likely, that is, unless you skip the next skill and its perk, going for a non-threatening warrior. Ages of men and of Outsiders have ascended and been forgotten, and only the bones of their cities and the The good news is that, with the last update, there are 3 new caves with 3 levels each, and each of those corresponding to a range of levels of monsters. This is rather difficult to asset, dealing 20% more damage with basic attacks for some classes who rely solely on their attack damage and not needing a lot of energy (or have ways to restore it really fast) can be devastating. An important thing to note is that you can interrupt your game at any point (even in the middle of a battle if you don't mind starting that fight over) to switch your bonuses around. Allows you to fight up to 7 instead of just 5 enemies. Kind of sucks. It used to be that you had to pony up $4.99 in order to download the game, now you can install it sans moola. By the end of the game, with better items, than can get up to about 90%. You can also, perfectly validly, spread your skill points out evenly among all of the Mage's skills. The Health is inconsequential, practically, but the Energy regen is only a third of what the Cleric provides, and if they're both on your team kiss your MP worries goodbye. "Gain +1 bonus to Investigate rolls per level" - up to +5. Which won't likely be an issue if that Cleric is at your back, and even if he isn't, one regular 75MP potion gets you back in the fight for a few turns. The only difference is Smite applies Weakness to almost all enemies and Guiding Strike gives Paladin extra threat. The dynamics of your party will entirely change, and the Cleric will be a bad choice because his groups powers are diluted, and his one attack skill is as flawed as it ever was. How is that badass? Previously the ability to sudden death was subject to the mercy of the Paladin's skill of smite which unfortunately could be resisted especially by higher lvl enemies and doomed for failure against bosses and dragons. In which case you'll want that Grappling Hook. Be warned, not all Game Room items are deserving of a description beyond my rating. And then there are the few beasts that you can't set up fights with, like Cave Bats that are only in the Nearby Cave, meaning you have to wander through that cave until you find enough of those bats - so that's a little annoying too. To play it, click the Knights of . Your standard Jock Dwarf Warrior starts out with 4 senses. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Armor of Faith (passive) - good okay, sorry no, not that good. Create and level-up a party of customized heroes and take them online in . I don't think so, but I'm not playing your game. For just one target. So you will always want at least one skill point in this, because Conditions happen even if you're not trying, and now and then the enemy will waste an attack. The most important factor you should be considering as you go about this is synergy, aiming for multiple interconnecting levels of synergy if you can. Really the only class you can build in this relaxed kind of way. In one strike. Leave him in the game room with the Goth, I say, so they can exchange existential love poems and kiss violently behind the pinball machine. But still, despite these minor flaws, hitting the enemy for a max of 392 total damage is nothing to laugh at. I've never come across any game that so reverently and irreverently encapsulates what that experience is, for single person enjoyment, on a dinky little phone much less a console or PC. All in all, not worth it, unless you do a special group with everyone focusing on single attacks. So this is pretty groovy. Except of course if you use his next skill as a 1 point concept, as I've been teasing you with. So, despite what I just said, this is the one efficient guy in the group. Alright, so with all the classes and their skills covered, and the details of the Game Room that can (and usually do) have a profound affect on your party dynamics, and a better understanding of the types of damage, we can get into actually putting 5 of these weirdos together and seeing what they can do. "Dwarves gain Body +1, elves gain Senses +1, and humans get Mind +1" - up to +2. So, using this skill in combination with Vanish is, I believe, well established as super awesome as well as kick ass. So, apparently being all bendy and agile appears threatening to the baddies, as you'll max out with +56 Threat on this one. But anyway you get a bonus if you max out your knowledge for every critter, as the last thing you get is +2 damage against it. Now, here's where it gets tricky, because your Threat Percentage is relative to the rest of your team. In practice, it's hard to make it work well, and hard to keep up the MP. And rarely will your guys need that much individual healing, especially at the start of a fight, so there's no fiddling with the math to feel better about things. And in fact what makes this SAKA instead of just great is because it's weapon based. Thing is, unlike the other two stunning skills, the Warrior's pommel and the Ninja's bomb, the stun is kind of just a bonus to the excellent damage you'll get out of this, especially if you boost it with Arcane Flow (for an unparalleled grand total of 168 Damage). So, you know those weird guys sitting apart from the rest of the normal High School kids, usually the theater and/or goth and/or art class kids, hanging out and just feeling cool (or insecure - kind of a fine line there). Which makes sense to me, as I'd be pretty pissed at the guy who just tried to invade my brain. Click to install Knights of Pen & Paper 2 from the search results. MAGE , Lab Rat, Human (all into chain lightning) THIEF, cheerleader, human (1 into stealth for cheerleader combo then all into fan of knives for ninja stun lock combo) CLERIC, surfer, human . And for your casters this is a non-event. This will offer some protection and healing if required during combat. Otherwise, it's up to you, but for my money I'd put my points in the other skills. Knights of Pen & Paper 12+ - App Store So, in the supremely rare situation where you miss one or two encounters, this can be of use - otherwise it's just a very pretty table. So, it's all pretty straightforward, and really if you don't want to there's no reason to worry about the hows and the whats, just follow the story and you'll be leveling up nicely and regularly as Gary intended. That's nice. Come to me, servant of Beelzebub, and obey my every whim! I will note that your demon is not that scary - looks more like a little fluffy dragon plush someone plopped on the gaming table. Kind of disappointing, ultimately. It is, however, the most fun solution to that issue, which is why it's great for me. But it's actually twice as good. Another good skill for the Hunter! Which is, well, not super great as it doesn't even measure up to some of the fighters' secondary attack skills. He's a worthy final addition, so let's get into the details: You know that thick plate armor Knights always seem to wear, this is that. To illustrate with the XL size, the programming determines the first of your 3 monsters end up back where it was, which was a 33% chance. And specifically because the Monk is a low energy user. But your average weak opponent isn't likely to survive more than two hits from this. Max out either Smite or Guiding Strike first. This does mean he won't improve all that much from the middle to the end of the game, but he's still going to be dishing out the best damage magic can do in this game from start to finish. 21 February 2018 - 13:58:59 UTC () Store Hub PCGW Patches. There is absolutely no reason not to put at least the 1 point in this. Not that bad for the early stages of the game, but definitely nearly useless later. Say you want a Barbarian who, in addition to his Stunning hammer, has each of the four trinkets that give a condition (Rage, Fire, Poison and Wound). Just to say though that the natural compliment to this is Backstab. So, along with the Paladin (and the Cleric obviously), this is the only class that has a heal skill. Alternatively, for the former, you could still be a Human Lab Rat, but level Backstab along with this for the Initiative boost (and a basic attack that's actually worth something if you're the first one to hit them), so that you're nearly always the first to strike. Mage does fireball to light most things on fire. Good thing you can play through this game more than once! It's narcissistic members are not going to dish out the best damage, heal the best, or really handle anything in Paperos with an abundance of ease. While this is a good and effective skill, it's the least useful of his 3 active skills. It is however strategically inadvisable to block (Take Cover), ever, in this game. All of the fighter skills and many of the specialist skills are weapon based, so when your Barbarian or Ninja are dishing out 300-400% Weapon damage those bonuses are all similarly multiplied, and are again multiplied by another 100% on criticals. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Original printed paper wrappers. Also, you'll either want a high Senses score or a really low one. It's what makes him a Paladin. What this does is let you restore up to 160 MP and then swap your MP and HP. Fireball is, well, what mages are all about. It's a slightly weaker version of the Warrior's version of this: Power Lunge (high Damage and Threat increase). Second, attributes are a little off, as he's clearly magic oriented (2 Mind), but your weak magey guys are hardly ever going to be hitting anything. Giving your level 20 Mage a mushroom will just give him a little indigestion, but you'll barely even see that XP bar move. You could of course get all of your skills halfway to maximum, or some other mix, but in the majority of cases this is just a straight up bad idea - having you more multi-purpose but only dealing half the damage or healing half the damage that you otherwise could be - and the first time a dragon lands on you is the very latest point at which this realization will dawn on you if you choose not to heed my advice. In theory. After 3 hits, they're burning for 96 damage. He's also not terribly complex. If you strike that back row enemy with Cleave, even though you can't actually directly target those other back row guys, It'll still get the whole back row. The party works by using the warrior and barbarian to soak up most of the damage while single targeting major threats while the Mage and Hunter take out the big groups. The Lab Rat Human bit will provide enough energy to cast the ward twice a turn when that becomes frequent. So what we have here is a walkthrough for Knights . Complete. For the record, that's more than anyone else (for a passive Threat level). I can't seem to find a number, i find thief, warrior, hunter, mage and cleric to be a great team. For a couple of playthroughs I've played with a tactically inferior table just because it looks nice. That and you can't not Escape, the roll just determines whether or not you get hit on the way out - and even then, you only get hit once (not once for every enemy left). (So, to be clear, an extra body point when you level up to 12 will give you about 12 extra HP, then about 31 extra HP at level 31 - not to be obtuse about it). One fireball, and it's toasted jelly on the floor. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 is the direct sequel of the iconic 2012 game of the same title. Which is huge, and would be totally Solid as far as that goes, but becomes Clutch when you realize that, thanks to this sofa, Bulwark then becomes a largely wasted skill, even with the loss of the minor group regen, and so you can put your skill points into his two defensive skills making him just unconscionably tough while also delivering Critical hits 90% of the time with True Strike right out of the gate without having to prep with Bulwark. This is all great, but starts looking even better combined with the Thief's Barrage of Knives, or a group that lays on the conditions so you're getting a Sudden Death once every battle or two. Or a Knight who doesn't even have Bulwark since he's paired with a 1 Threat Ninja, only does Critical hits, and is essentially impervious to damage. Okay, so 1 point for Body and 2 for Senses. So, not awful, but also not a clear reason to bring him. Wound 1, Burn 24 - the number denoting the base damage it causes each turn the affliction lasts. Although I just did. So, if you love stunning things and you want this skill, probably better to commit all the way and skip Power Lunge. Some synergies are obvious, like A requires B (Barrage of Knives requires Fireball or Smite to spread the conditions). This also means you can spare him the energy cost of wearing armor, meaning more Decoys. It still means that, other than Stun, they get to roll at the start of their turn, but it's better than nothing. Steal some life! No need to inflict major damage if you're just instant death slaying everything. So this one is just, well, absurd. Source: So you haven't made yourself twice as tough, you've made yourself slightly (to significantly - if you're that Dwarf Jock) less tough (lower MP than HP max no matter what), and the stuff that's keeping you alive (your MP) is also what you need to use to effectively attack back. Furthermore, as you start picking off the enemy, one by one, this skill gradually becomes fairy useless even maxed out. Weakness, Weakness, Weakness. This big ass ethereal green bear-shaped cloak thing envelops the Druid, he becomes super strong and angry. Spells can be upgraded as well, but by much less, and there's no multiplication involved through the spell skill itself or criticals or damage range boosters. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - SteamSpy - All the data and stats about This is, damage-wise, the same as the Mage's Lightning at 104 damage max. So, if you're gonna want to, well, basically cheat in the gaining Experience experience, do it right at the start of the game. i made my Cheerleader a Thief so i would get the 5 hp/mp overy time she got hit. You're basing your decision on what, exactly, can that new Warlock you just unlocked do. The game, for the most part, is a parody of the popular tabletop RPGs of the 80s. This is the druid's "1 point Ward" build mentioned in his title, and it is by far the best use of the Druid and makes him just as valuable as the Mage or Ninja in your party - and also the only the second class here (after the Paladin) that effectively marries offense and defense in the same build. How can this be? Hard to kill that team. While the next two passive skills are good, you could skip them easily and just focus on this one. But, like Hail of Arrows it's only really great by the time you max it out, with the high initiative and the bonus 32 damage to everyone on the field of battle (or almost everyone). Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition Walkthrough overview. It also lets you use the one 3-handed weapon you'll find in the game if you investigate the Graveyard. Most enemies are regular size, and you can fit 7 of them on the screen. You could even get through the average dungeon without it. You will, in effect, feel twice as powerful as they struggle to make a dent in your armor. Which, if you're not just a tweaker but also a completionist, you'll want to do anyway so you can play all the quests in the game (you'll need a complete bestiary for that). So what this does is add up to +16 Initiative and +56 damage to a weapon attack against enemies with full health. Well, at least a little. Warlock can heal even more than cleric with Life Transfer, which also damages . The other conditions can work well when you inflict them, but the enemy versions are almost invariably weak (very low damage per turn), and so you'll barely even notice them. Meaning, a class based in theory on the Senses attribute. So then even with a Cleric and a Knight spending their time regenerating your MP as fast as they can, you'll still need either MP potions (thereby wasting a turn doing that), or just have to give up and accept some regular healing to stay in the fight, rendering your investment in this skill pointless. Better off just giving your Cleric the Stun immunity item if this is important to you. So, yeah, if you'd like that +2 War Axe instead of the +1 War Axe (which is a 4 point damage and Threat difference), and better armor, something like 5 levels sooner, then yeah. The only way this is really worth investing in at all is when used with Hail of Arrows. So, this is something fun I did just for the heck of it. June 19, 2020 4. . (Important note: as this skill is not weapon based, Backstab won't kick in here. So a basic Two Handed Hammer gives you +5 Damage and Threat, where a +5 version of the same gives you +25 Damage and Threat. Paladin with smite to weaken everythingand the Ninja uses Jock with 3 weapons inflicting confusion, poison, and rage, with his inherent bleed effect and most points put into vanish for the super high crit chance. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. The runner ups in the critical category are the Barbarian, Thief and Monk (in that order), who all max out at about 45-50% (~65-70% with the Barbarian, if you know what you're doing), and don't have multiple hits (except the Barbarian, kind of, more on that later). "Meh" items are the pretty pointless ones, and largely qualify as such because there is no scaling - like Damage Reduction +2, which is significant for your first 10 levels or so, and pretty meaningless after that - but still it's a bonus. Druid works on vines and animal companion so that they can potentially stun lock everything in the fight. Which I think is only an upgrade to Meh, as even that is going to make very little difference to your gameplay and battles will largely play out identically. I.E. Yes, you can bring him up to 10 or 12 body or whatever, but he's still gonna feel paper thin compared to any of the Fighters and what they can handle because the body boost doesn't actually add HP and there's no synergy skill like the Barbarian has to take care of that. Well, not really. It can also be worse, where the Paladin needs no healing and your Barbarian is near death and only gets brought up to half health. So being a Human Lab Rat Thief, just in this case, would be a very good choice. The conditions that are consistently annoying are Confuse and Stun and Rage. Because of it's specific usefulness and inefficiency against some enemies that doesn't have weaknesses it's in general bad choice. Druid, Mage, Ninja, Paladin, and Cleric. Lady Knights headed for ECT finals | The Progress Sports Will use the *20 or the now being default values. Where the default effectiveness (that every other class is stuck with) is 50%. Prioritize Lightning, getting Arcane Flow to maybe level 3 or 6 in the process of maxing out your actual damage spell. It's why she's so macabre all the time. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 on Steam The last category is in the middle-ground specialists are so fond of, the Thief and Druid, Hunter and Ninja. "Restore 50 per level Health and Energy after each battle" - up to +250. In practice, either a little superfluous or kind of a waste of a turn. And each attribute is (at least in theory) the core stat for the 3 types of player in this game: the fighters (Body), the casters (Mind), and the specialists (Senses). Your specialist Player extraordinaire (+3 Senses). The only caveat here is that if you level this and Shadow Chain, you've got nothing left for stunning with your Smoke Bomb. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Deluxiest Edition - Fanatical 2 Body and 1 Senses makes him good enough for any of the fighters, but not quite as good as the Rocker (who rocks, naturally). Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition - Nintendo The Druid's vines somehow don't count as a spell, the Ninja's Smoke Bomb same. Easily making first few levels a breeze, spells costing nearly no energy and restoring energy with some skill or another furniture. To live the dream. Or build up Rampage so that he neither heals (much) nor does much damage with Frenzied Strike unless it's a critical, which will happen around 60% of the time, and every hit after that has the same chance. There are good skills, great skills, and S.A.K.A. Put 1 point into Armor of Faith early and max it after you're done with Smite or Guiding Strike. But back to the Knight. And shrugging off 1 condition per turn is pretty good, although sometimes a little superfluous. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Optimal Team Composition - "Damage Reduction +10% per level" - up to +50%. I'd say he's got the highest replay value - I've never leveled him the same way twice. Teams. Which, if your Psion is also an expert in Psychosomatics, brings you up to a grand magnificent total of 784 damage which is exactly as glorious as the Thief's Barrage of Knives skill (if conditions abound) and so on par with the maximum group damage this game can let you deliver. Mr. Druid will get up to +16 Initiative here, which is pretty darn swell, and just like what the Thief and Hunter can muster, so he'll always be one of the first to strike. (Although the Mage can boost his with Arcane Flow - just saying you know, who the real master is.) So there are two ways to use this skill, one which is really effective and one which pretty much makes your Barbarian immortal. I like the style of his skills, the look of his hat, the overall cut of his jib. At level 5, this is moderately important. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 let me play a Hipster Dwarf Paladin "Spell Damage +5% per level" - up to +25%. He does have a damage skill, which is a mixed bag, but there's basically one (right) way to play this guy, which is the only reason I ever don't bring him ('cause I have ADD, OCD, and a short attention span and I like some flippin' variety, dangit). Play Knights of Pen and Paper 3 on PC - BlueStacks At level 32, say, that's about half of your energy restored. And that's the Knight, in all his defensive glory. It's just a weaker version of Guiding Strike (212% weapon damage at best) and it doesn't even do group damage. Assuming you give him the 3 trinkets he needs to inflict Poison, Fire and Rage - and combine that with his Wound perk and a nice big hammer for Stunning and he's inflicting 5 conditions most likely every turn. "Enemies take 20% extra damage from skills they are vulnerable to per arcade level" - Going to +100% or basically dealing 300% damage with specific skills against specific monsters, a 50% increase in efficiency is not bad at all and can easily be used in some specific battles where you have difficulties. Both of them will do around the same damage. And if you have your rat-pug furball doing the double-it jig on the table, you'll be up there with Ninja Shadow Chain criticals and Barbarian smashing - although not quite all the way up there. But not really. But if your team is focusing on group damage skills, bringing the Hunter with this is still a natural fit. Unlike the Ninja who specializes in Criticals or the Thief who still has the best group damage skill, the Druid (being super neutral about it all) tries to be too many things at once: caster, fighter, healer, speed demon - stacking up to a lesser version in all categories than several of the other classes here. "Restore 50 per level Health for each Critical you land" - up to 250. Knights of Pen and Paper: Top 10 Tips and Cheats | "Health +10% per level" - up to +50%. But if efficiency is what you're going for - I know it's what I'm going for - then I have some recommendations for each player. And really that's the best case scenario here and a solid build. Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell - Wikipedia Her special ability is to heal 5 HP and 5 MP to the whole party whenever she blocks an attack. The Knight has a kind of ancillary healing effect to one of his skills, but it's pretty weak. It's a little weaker well, sort of. The only drawback is the relative monotony of your strategy. In theory, this skill kicks major ass.
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