Both men were handcuffed in a van outside the school.[1]. He did it right. And I think that these people actually thought that they could start another world. The tuna fish cans, if you can imagine, here's two tuna fish cans sittin' here like this, and a gallon jug of gasoline sittin' above it. When the thing went off, when the bomb exploded, they just started chuckin' people out the windows. Mark Junge: And your great-grandkids? 96 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from J.Cano: Law & Order: SVU - Best Episode While David and Doris Young were not involved in an organized religion, both were deeply spiritual. Anything? Cokeville Children Held Hostage by Bomber., Cokeville Elementary School Bombing: 25-Years Later. Accessed May 17, 2013, at, Fagg, Ellen. I went from within two feet of the bomb to right near the door within ten minutes before the bomb went off. David went to the school office, handing out a manifesto titled "ZERO EQUALS INFINITY" and announcing "This is a revolution!" Unexplained Mysteries: Angel Files. Season 1, Episode 20. Peterson, Carol. But I walked up to the window and looked inside the window and didn't hardly see anything out of the ordinary except it was all black inside. When you say what cut the wire? There's a piece of wood in there that separates the jaws of a clothespin and in that clothespin there are two metal connections that the wires were hooked to which made the electrical connection with the bomb. And the bathroom was off to the side of it because it was the kindergarten class. In their minds they could start another world. Mark Junge: Had you seen anything like what took place in this classroom before? I didn't look at the speedometer, I was just kind of watchin' for animals and everything else. Yeah. Well, he had went into the bathroom and she was out with the bomb, and they said she was complaining of a migraine headache. SHARE Cokeville miracle marking 25 years. I think he went in the Marine Corps because of me and served 25 years and retired. He listened so well, so patiently. . ", All told, 79 of the hostages suffered injuries, mostly second-degree burns, smoke inhalation, and other injuries from the exploding bomb. Certified Bomb Technician. On that Friday afternoon in their quiet, rural town, a deranged couple entered the community's elementary school, took those inside hostage and detonated a bomb in a first grade classroom. My husband and I are looking forward to seeing the movie, as we weren't around when it happened and have just recently learned about it. It said in there that they had brought blasting caps, ammunition, those types of things in and there was a sealed briefcase that was in the hallway. What did you find out about them? Survivor is my Name: Voices of the Cokeville Elementary School Bombing. Produced by Wyoming State Archives for Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources, the package includes interviews with 14 people about the events of May 16, 1986. Mark Junge: One of the things that Sue and I found out is that people don't regret doing this because they think it's important for history. Im living proof.. Healing will come Slowly From Within a Wounded Cokeville. Certified Bomb Technician Rich Haskell on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Well, with the window being open, with the ceiling tiles being able to lift up and down, I think that absorbed a lot of the explosion of the gasoline bottle. David, Doris and Princess proceeded to the elementary school and entered the building shortly after 1 p.m. that Friday. She is a trained rural historian who specializes in oral history, childhood history and memory studies. It packed the brute force of twenty-five sticks of dynamite. Well, when I arrived and saw that body layin' on the front lawn, I was told that was Doris. I gathered up some of the equipment that I would need and a change of clothes and proceeded to Cokeville. This allowed gasoline to drip into the tuna fish cans, turning the aluminum-flour mixture into paste, unable to aerosolize. Twenty-five years ago on Monday, a man and his wife pushed a homemade gasoline bomb into Cokeville's sole elementary school and demanded $300 million in ransom. The kids could just go to the bathroom right from their classroom. Angelic Intervention save all 153 in bomb blast - Cokeville Wyoming Throughout both baskets were chain links, gunpowder, and boxes of ammunition acting as shrapnel. 25 years after school bombing, Wyoming town remembers story of survival David Young was the only police officer in Cokeville for six months in 1979. With the explosionwhat occurred? Cokeville had so little crime that many folks didn't bother to lock their doors., Family is the most important thing in a Mormon family. Rich Haskell: I don't think that they were planningor David was planning on the ceiling tiles in the school. NOTE: Witness to Miracles was published in 2006 by Pronghorn Press, . [4], Prior to the hostage crisis, David had tested a similar bomb in a sealed school bus in Arizona, destroying it.[5]. What stands out in your mind the most, looking back? [7][5] The reason for the wire cuts are so far unexplained. Cokeville seems like a pretty small town. ", About 2 1/2 hours into the standoff, David transferred the triggering mechanism of the bomb to Doris' wrist, and went to a small bathroom that connected the first and second grade rooms. How much interaction did you have with the director/producers of the movie? Mark Junge: With bombs? I actually hadn't thought of doing that, yet. Of course, most children were elated by the prospects of an assembly. I didn't touch the body at all. cokeville bombing | Parentheses ( ) are used for incidental non-verbal sounds, like laughter. Which is hard to believe, but a positive experience in that they learned something. TC is one of my heroes. Rich Haskell: Pretty sophisticated guy is what he was. She tied the string around her wrist. That's why I have a computer. She acknowledges these students for assisting her in researching her contributions to the web site. Is there a news article that I could read to get a better idea of what happened? You know, the kids have forgot about it, let's let 'em move on. What should people know going into the film? I'm currently the Sheriff of Sweetwater County. Whether or not you believe in God or miracles, show some respect. cokeville miracle hoax By Deseret News. Rich Haskell: No. Just before implementing the Biggie, David Young had also sent a copy of the document to President Ronald Reagan, the president of Chadron State College and numerous media outlets. Who died in the Cokeville bombing? Doris accidently triggered the bomb by motioning to her hostages with her arms. I mean, what it was supposed to do? Hey, I am not the survivor, but I spent my summers in Cokeville, my family is from there, and I have been helping on publicity for the film. Over the course of time he did various things to get our input from script readings early on, to being there on set, etc. (before I see Hollywood's version). Rich Haskell: Well, I got a lot of it while I was in the Marine Corps and in the Army National Guard. I was still trying to make sense of it all! Many of the children who stated they saw angels were of various faiths. Once the wooden piece was removed, the two metal connectors completed the circuit, detonating the bomb. Well, after interviewing some of the people, what had happened, the bombDavid Young had set the bomb to have what they call a dead-man switch. Carbon County School District No. David Youngs journals and writings reveal that he was a troubled man who spent many years grappling with deep philosophical questionsabout mans existence, the afterlife and spirituality. I had just cracked a little joke with a toy tank of legos as I drove it "across the death line" or the masking tape square on the floor. What is your assessment of these two people who did this? May 16, 1986, will never be forgotten by the residents of Cokeville, Wyo. They forget about what happened in Cokeville with a lot more people and the potential of what was there. Sue Castaneda: Carla said that some people were mad that we were there. David had also sent a copy of the manifesto to Reagan. Because of the tiles and the window? She acknowledges these students for assisting her in researching her contributions to the web site. David saw John Miller, the music teacher, trying to escape and shot him in the back. Mark Junge: And when you went into the classroom you saw holes in the walls? Mark Junge: And that's the lesson we learn. I received a telephone call from my dispatcher informing me that an incident had taken place up in Cokeville and they were requesting me to drive to Cokeville for assistance. Seven people in the Chicago area died after ingesting Tylenol capsules laced with potassium cyanide. Dozens. Rich Haskell: Absolutely! And, then, shortly after 4 p.m., the bomb exploded. Mark Junge: What were they designed to do? Mark Junge: Do you think you've taken more joy out of life because of it? Mark Junge: What's been your experiences since then? That much I know. Once all the hostages were contained in the first grade classroom, David Young informed them that they were leading a revolution and distributed copies of his philosophy Zero Equals Infinity to everyone present. The kids couldn't have done it. Rich Haskell: Uh, I can understand that. Recording and transcription by Wyoming State Archives. Maybe writing that up 2 years ago when this came along was more healing for me than for him, but I gave it all to him! On May 16, 1986, David and Doris Young entered Cokeville Elementary School with a gasoline bomb, a variety of rifles and handguns, David's philosophical writings and demands for $300 million So you got that and you got the flour and the gasoline and that's what it was all designed to do in millisecond delays. The two died after the bomb. School Bombing Survivor Converted after Priesthood Blessing What is cokeville miracle about? Explained by Sharing Culture New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The miraculous events that followed have changed many people foreverespecially survivor Amy Bagaso Williams. It's just something that you just have to stay on top of. The Cokeville Miracle - The American Tragedy That Never Happened I've spent many, many hours and many days with the leaders of the Mormon church, with the Prophet of the Mormon church. I got a chance to talk to Jennie Sorensen Johnson, who was seven when David Young rolled a bomb into her first grade classroom. Everything was blackened. Rich Haskell: It's a combustible. Mark Junge: Did you find the bullet that killed him, too? After being fired for misconduct, he moved to Tucson, Arizona, where he married Doris Young. They learned to trust in their God, the kids were healed for the most part, and they value life more now. David Young entered the school with his wife transporting a large gasoline-filled device that appeared to be a bomb. Cokeville Public Library. At 1:00 pm, they pulled up to the Cokeville Elementary School and unloaded a gasoline bomb, along with four rifles and nine handguns. I remember seeing the wide eyes on my band teacher as he collapsed with the EMTs afterward. After a two-and-a-half hour standoff, the children were becoming restless, so the teachers preoccupied the kids in the form of movies, games, prayer, and books. On May 16, 1986, David Young, Cokeville's former town marshal, and his wife, Doris, carried five rifles, five handguns and a "dead man's bomb" into the elementary school. As I come to the junctionI'm sorry, I don't know what the road is that goes over to Bear Lakebut as I was passing that intersection, they did inform me that the bomb had exploded. On May 16, 1986, David and Doris Young took 154 people hostage at the Cokeville Elementary School in tiny Cokeville 25 years after school bombing, Wyoming town remembers the . Rich Haskell: Oh my goodness! Dr. Clark is the faculty advisor of the Sweet Memories: Research Group at Western. The windows had been knocked outhad been blown out. He used to work in Cokeville. In the West? I think you should know that it can be difficult to watch - but that it has a very rewarding outcome. [7] The mechanism was triggered by a dead man's switch, consisting of a wooden piece separating two metal connectors within the jaws of a clothespin, forming an incomplete circuit. Mark Junge: Do you still think about this? Rich Haskell: The bullet in him was in the bathroom. Chalkboards andwhat do they call those?whiteboards, I think they are, along the walls. [5] The wooden piece was tied to Doris' wrist by a string. Well, with the window being open, with the ceiling tiles being able to lift up and down, I think that absorbed a lot of the explosion of the gasoline bottle. I was up there as part of his protection team. Boston columnist: 'This was an attack on family' - Today Used with permission and thanks. Mark Junge: Which means you had to be doing over a hundred miles an hour! It was in their Tucson home that David came up with what he considered the Biggie, a plan to get rich quick and create a Brave New World. This plan involved Davids longtime friends, Gerald Deppe and Doyle Mendenhall, who believed by investing in Davids scheme they would get rich. They lived in a mobile home with Princess, Davids youngest daughter from his first marriage. I have no doubt about my friends witness testimonies - even though I saw or heard nothing such as they did. Although many were burned, some severely, only the perpetrators of this horrible incident died. So many of 'em thatI don't know. P. O. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. That's what David Young forgot to realize just how important families were. The bomb did detonate and fire, thick black smoke and toxi fumes filled the room. And afteryou look in there and you could see little pockmarks all through on the walls, and after we finished with our investigationit took us three days to totally do the whole entire sceneyou could tell where those pockmarks were bullets from the heat had gone off. In Cokeville, Nowhere, Wyo. Only the man and his wife, who accidentally detonated the bomb, died that day in 1986. who wins student body president riverdale. Rich Haskell: Yeah, I think I did. Too many of 'em to try to remember their birthdays. Cokeville, Wyoming - Wikipedia Whenever they would come to Wyoming I would be part of their security team. Everybody that was inside that room, they just started throwin' them out the windows, out the doors, just anyand she happened to be one they threw out the window. Contact us at for information on levels and types of available sponsorships. Upon entering the classroom, children saw an arsenal of weapons, a grocery cart and an unfamiliar manDavid Young. Mark Junge: They don't want it brought up again. She fled the building and drove the Youngs vanwith Deppe and Mendenhall still insideto the town hall, where she reported her fathers plan. Kind of a synopsis of what they were going to do and what their plans were and the whole thing. I had the chance to watch the pre-screening of the film and it was very emotional. I just stayed right there and we processed the scene and did the scene. welcomes the support of the following sponsors. Students, teachers, staff and visitors frantically exited the building, with teachers helping many of the children escape through the windows. Trauma is trauma and everyone deals with it differently. Educated at Chadron State College in Nebraska, he had earned a degree in criminal justice, and was hired as Cokevilles town marshal in the 1970s. Davids friends did not know that the Biggie was a plan to take over Cokeville Elementary School, hold each of the children hostage for $2 million dollars apiece and then detonate the bomb, transporting the money and children to his Brave New World, where he would be God. I was later told that everybody had been taken to different hospitals, ambulance services from all over, from Utah, from Idaho, from Wyoming was transporting people all over the place and there was only two fatalities. And it was a perfect trajectory up into the ceiling where that bullet was. Cokeville survivors relive school bombing for film Encircled it. I mean, we're talking about from kindergarten kids up to 10-, 11-, 12-years old. It was suggested we say a group prayer and I thought it was a great idea, so I helped gather a group of us together. Mark Junge: Do you think he took up thatwanted to take that up because of you? It just embedded into the walls from the ammunition from the heat. So we decided to take some masking tape, and we tapedI think it was an eight-foot square in the middle of the room, right here, and he pushed the cart, the homemade bomb into this, and we told the children this was the magic square. Dr. Clark is the faculty advisor of the Sweet Memories: Research Group at Western. Thank you for doing this! [T]rust is big here youngsters grow up knowing they can turn to many other members of the community with confidence, write Hartt and Judene Wixom in Trial by Terror: The Child-hostage Crisis in Cokeville, Wyoming. Current students at Cokeville Elementary School aren't taught about the '86 bombing, but most know the general story. I was a little bit nervous, of course. But he knew the culture, he knew the type of people, and I'm not sayin' that Mormon people are better than anybody else, but their way of life is family is first. In the tiny classroom, they watched movies, played games, prayed. David returned to the restroom and killed himself, ending the hostage crisis. And I'm sure that that made him very nervous. Rich Haskell: I took pictures of it. David attached the bomb trigger to his wrist and threatened the group that he might, at any time, move his arm and ignite the bomb. They were sitting out across the fence with scopes on their rifles just ready to shoot until the sheriff went out and said, "No. Rich Haskell: I think it could be a spiritual experience that I have with church, or being around the kids, I don't know. Mark Junge: That's a mighty powerful gun! There are some survivors that couldn't believe how accurate much of it was. From Tragedy To Triumph- Talking To A Cokeville Bombing Survivor. I later learned he'd been shot in the back. David set himself near the center of the room with the grocery cart bomb nearby, as Doris went from room to room rounding up people. Princess, Deppe, and Mendenhall were never charged in relation to this crime because of their refusal to participate.[6]. I'd like to think so. Young was a former Cokeville town marshal who had been living in Arizona for several years. And my children. Mark Junge: That's a record of all the people we've talked to! In 2006, the Cokeville Miracle Foundation compiled a book of recollections about the day from parents, emergency workers and former hostages. But it still sent flames all over in the room and you can see where all the flames were in that room. Mark Junge: Well, you've been blessed in a lot of ways. Rich Haskell: Yes, there was a briefcase in the hallway, and we were toldbefore I had gotten there they had gotten papers from his daughter. results in the deaths of perpetrators David and Doris Young; 154 hostages survive. By the people that was the bad folks, they're the only ones that got really hurt. You should also know that TC basically just wove a storyline into and between the facts and witness testimonies. The two brought in a bomb attached to themselves with a lanyard. You can see what's happening in the world today. Survivors shared their stories with each other, investigators, family members, and hospital personnel. Jessica Clark, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of history and political science at Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs, Wyo. [5][10][8], When the bomb detonated, the majority of the explosive force was channeled through loose ceiling tiles into the roof, and open windows acting as vents. I mean, okay, you lose the Twin Towers, you might get the Pentagon damaged, but if somebody's town hall or school is blown up in Star Valley [Wyo.] ", Mark Junge: So it took you three days, three and a half days. So I went to Huntsville, Ala., to Redstone Arsenal. I'm portrayed as the little red haired kid with glasses that asks about the AK-47. When did Cokeville miracle happen? I was, and I still am, a certified bomb technician at the time, and I was, as far as I know, the only bomb technician in the southern half of the state of Wyoming. Wyoming Town Still Healing a Year After School Bombing., Schoolhouse Blast Still Felt a Year Later., Survivor is My Name: Cokeville Elementary School Bombing1986 News Report Audio. Audio Recording. Returning to the scene, David shot his wife, a teacher, then himself. There are several great resources out there. We didn't know if the blasting caps were in therejust exactly what was in there. As well as I can. He instructed Doris and Princess, by now a young adult, to handcuff them inside his van. When I looked up to see if David had heard me (which he had, and scowled down at me) I noticed that the florescent white light overhead was not white, but a yellow hazy light. Today In History: The Cokeville Elementary School Bombing People who had guns! [5], "You could see that the roof tiles had been lifted out of their brackets. They increasingly spoke about their memories in public with professional psychologists, church officials and community counselors. You HAVE to find the positives or the negatives can eat you up the rest of your life. Mark Junge: And what happened? The Astonishing True Stories Behind the Cokeville Miracle Movie Wyoming has a lot of money as far as the state is concerned. Number one, that's where he worked. Carbon County School District No. When Columbine took place, it was such a big deal, and I mentioned to a couple people, "You know, Columbine wasn't the first school to have anything happen." The Cokeville Town Hall is located at 110 Pine St. For more information, visit the website of the Cokeville Chamber of Commerce at or call (307) 459-4195. Mark Junge: Well, what do you think would cause two people like this to do this? Rich Haskell: I don't know the birthdates but I know the names. Now you've got problems. And I think it's made me a stronger person. Hi, I am working on publicity for the film, and I will chime in if anyone needs it, or has other questions. On one hand people didn't want money to be made off of suffering, but on the other hand it felt ungrateful to not share it in the way that TC would or could. AN EXPLOSION of vapors, resultLing from a combination of circumstances at the Kearney, N. J., plant of the Koppers Coke Company, on May 17, 1948, resulted in the death of ten men and started a . Details: At 1:20pm on Friday, May 16, 1986, forty-three-year-old David Young and his forty-seven-year-old wife, Doris, wheeled a shopping cart containing a homemade gasoline-filled bomb into Cokeville Elementary School in Cokeville, Wyoming, just after the lunch hour recess. Now you are a bomb technician. And they had trouble keeping people away from the building. The Chicago Tylenol Murders of 1982 - Angelic Intervention save all 153 in bomb blast - Cokeville Wyoming - Unexplained Mysteries - Angels Brain Boyle 2.05K subscribers Subscribe 928 158K views 11 years ago All 153 Children &.
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