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A compact model has been added, with a 13.5 in. It will help to reduce friction and prevent the formation of small cracks. Don't need one but for some reason I have a whole lot of 28 ga ammo and no gun to shoot it in, Not the 28, but a buddy has one of the 20 gauge and it's held up damned well. If you want a inexpensive double look at CZ's. Accuracy 50. The Stevens 555 came out in 2014, replacing the heavy Stevens 512. length of pull for smaller-framed shooters. First, make sure that you are using the correct ammunition for your gun.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Second, keep your gun clean and well-maintained. The 20 gauge's trigger broke at a bit over 5 pounds, and the 12 gauge's measured about 6.5 pounds. Campfire Regular. June 14, 2022; idioms for beautiful nature Which store location had the Silver 555 28 gun on clearence, telehone number please! But I shot it for dove this season as a single-barrel, and my shell to bird ratio has never been higher than on that hunt lol. Thoughts: 3.5 SAAMI spec ammo for 3.5 12ga in 2 3/4 hull? Actually ended up getting both a 28ga and a 20ga. Your Stevens 555 Enhanced rifle will provide years of shooting enjoyment with proper care and maintenance. The 3-inch chambers and bores are chrome lined, and a set of five screw-in choke tubes (C, IC, M, IM, F) is included. explained, Lightning steel #7 & #16, Estate FB vs. Fed FB. It didn't double fire, i.e. Some shooters prefer this feature, giving them one less thing to worry about the gun. From. The author found the Stevens Model 555 in both 12 and 20 gauge to be a delight to use in the field. 2023 Awards & rankings #2 Most Popular Stevens Shotguns. Re: Stevens 555 28 ga O/U. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. arrived at CAL Ranch 19 Jan 18, picked up 20 Jan. WebThe Stevens 555 Over and Under Shotgun 12 Gauge features a light alloy receiver, Turkish walnut stock, forearm, and a single selective trigger The 28ga 1oz Load thread: lead, HW, etc. Now from the reading I did, and speaking to the salesman at dicks the 555 has gotten a bad rap, he said that only a few of the ones he's sold have been known to double fire, and for the money you're almost to a good CZ. It's chambered for 2.75" shells and features a Turkish walnut stock, single selective mechanical trigger, shell extractors, tang-mounted safety and a chrome-lined barrel threaded for interchangeable choke tubes (included). Range 50-100 Yards. They have a very good reputation and CZ's excellent customer service. All Rights Reserved. I purchased the Savage 550 new around 1972. May not be as pretty as the 555 but it's now my go to gun in the fall. First, make sure to clean and lubricate your gun regularly. Save your money and buy a quality shotgun. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. Steel Shot #4 vs. #3, lethality andrange, Lightning steel #7 & #16, Estate FB vs. FedFB, 20 ga 2.75 >= 7/8 oz steel with CSD20wad, Hull names in manuals which are they? The action depth is shallow, as the barrels hinge on steel trunnions instead of a full-length hinge pin. They are so light and nimble that if we get another .410 with exceptional wood, it might just follow me home. Return the doubler and get another Stevens Silver 555 gun. Both barrels went off, regardless of the selector switch. Having read all about this happening with other folks, and toasty has some write-ups on the gun rebounding and hitting your finger causing the 2nd fire possible, I was holding it carefully and stroked the trigger lightly and with just the edge of my finger. be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18; 19 ms; iy_2022; im_06; id_06; ih_03; imh_47; i_epoch:1654512429890; 555 Get world-class performance in an over-under at an affordable price. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. If you want a inexpensive double look at CZ's. The new Model 555 over-under shotgun is true to that tradition. However, there are specific issues that you should be aware of when purchasing the Stevens 555 Enhanced. The Stevens 555 is light and handles fast, thanks to a lightweight aluminum receiver. In the past they've been known to double fire, but in the newer ones that would seem to have been fixed. Has anyone heard of the Stevens model 555E double firing like the model 555. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. Arrived at Savage 7 Dec. Perhaps the most frustrating part of a misfire is that it can be challenging to determine the cause. When it comes to planting tomatoes, the first step is choosing the right variety for your climate and soil type. The Model 555 is offered in 12 and 20 gauges. However, I had a Savage model 550 20 gauge double barrel that would not consistently fire the second barrel. TSS + Steel Duplexing: when is steel enough? They have a very good reputation and CZ's excellent customer service. He thought that was normal, I say "jacked up". Not really the gun's fault. Got my 555 back on 20 Jan 18. They didnt have to do it at all, in fact I was just there to get a copy of my original receipt so I could drive to UPS main facility and ship it myself, but CAL Ranch offered to ship it for free for me, since they had sold me the gun. Stevens 555 double fire I would not touch one. The Stevens 555 over/under comes in 28-, 20-, and 12-gauge. The new Stevens 555E brings together the best of two worlds: a 16 gauge chambering and Stevens by Savage's newest, budget-friendly field gun. If no one here can, I would find your closest sporting clays range and go there and ask for help. Chrono/Pattern testing 10gaOkie HG load, 5flavors, New Federal FIELD & TARGET Multi-Purpose Load are Rio hulls;+cutaway, 12 ga Non Alliant Steel steel-shotloads, Range comparison: Steel, ITX, HeviShot, HW13,TSS, Shot Bridging in chokes, patterns, pellet size vs. bore:thoughts, Daves Internet Forum Arch-NemesisTheory, Youth gun: Weatherby SA-08 20ga Compact (24 barrel, 12.5LOP), Caught by Wife, Estimating goose size from picture by dangling aturkey, Tested: 16ga 410gr steel shot(overpressure), Chrono/pattern test: 3/4oz steel 3 20ga BPI60119-1075, SAAMI pressure, statistics and test results: somethoughts, 12ga Low-Recoil Mallard load for < 40yds, Why ITX-10 or Bismuth are poor forduplexing, Lowest Recoil Commercial 12ga Steel forwaterfowl, Kent Bismuth: Smaller Euro shotthoughts. the 555, the 555 Compact, and the 555E. It felt good in the shop, but like Randy's dad, mine went "double barrel" from the start. Unsure of when it was manufactured, probably late 16 and sat in the store for several months, CAL Ranch. Ive put probably 500 rounds through mine with zero issues. The patterns from both the 20- and 12-gauge versions were very evenly distributed, and the points of impact were pretty much dead center, so these 50-50 patterns make them eminently suitable for their intended role as field guns. First, on his gun you could only shoot "doubles" if you shot the low barrel first (I think), if you shot the top barrel first it wouldn't fire the bottom barrel. Web555 | Shotgun | Savage Arms Get world-class performance in an over-under at an affordable price. Ive read numerous threads about the 555 double firing; and the one time I shot one, a 12ga, it double fired on my 3rd shot. T. turkish OP. templegate tips saturday; totwoo always bracelets; north wirral coastal park the gunsite; venmo there was an issue with your payment; billy strings martin guitar; best prop for mercury 150 4 stroke; 2022.06.16. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. One of the features that sets this gun apart from other shotguns is the location of the takedown lever. Still havent sent the gun off for repair. The dove and teal seasons were open during my tests, so I hunted local feed fields for doves and my pond for teal. Many firearms "manufacturers" in Turkey are really just assemblers, but the company building the Model 555 manufactures the components for its guns, so it has complete control over things from start to finish. Anyone have any experience with one of these? The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. A compact model has been added, with a 13.5 in. Stevens 555 compact #15203209 09/07/20. The 555E is a later model and I wonder if they corrected this problem before they put the E model in production' Thanks for any imput. I know from their website that I have to pay shipping, they pay return. =========================. One fella replaced the sear springs, seemed to have cured it for him. Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols and what makes them different. I can truthfully state, however, that I never missed a shot at a teal! JavaScript is disabled. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Whether youre growing heirloom varieties or hybrids, tomatoes offer something for everyone. Here are some of the most common problemsthat owners of this gun have reported:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-leader-2-0'); One of the most frustrating problems when shooting a gun is a misfire. I got one the wood looks good and it goes bang every time I pull the trigger. The shotguns can be had in 12- and 20-gauge, and will accept both 2 3/4 and 3 shells. ID p52766. As expected, all loads functioned perfectly, and there were no malfunctions of any kind. A couple of deft stokes with a flat needle file would easily fix this, but all such issues should have been caught at the final inspection. 1 one ounce via Lyman electronic trigger gauge. Fit & Finish 50. Although this is a bit of an old thread, I recently bought the Savage Stevens 555. Estler's Mortgage Lifter tomato is one of the most popular heirloom varieties that is perfect for home gardeners. Boom-Boom, but fired a single double barreled shot, one BOOM. Rush Medical Records Meridian, Ms, Monday - Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm The aluminum-alloy receiver is finished in matte black, the single trigger is mechanical, and the safety is not automatic. But to get the most out of your tomato plants, its important to understand the basics of planting and caring for them. While I'd like to report that I slew a slew of doves and brought down a bunch of the tasty little webfoots, alas, I cannot. Additionally, the Stevens 555 Enhanced is a bit of a high-maintenance gun when it comes to ammunition. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. Thats a big spread between them. Couldnt pass it up. While this can be improved with aftermarket trigger jobs, it is not considered a significant problem. Rootstock Selection for Short Season Tomatoes: What to Consider and Recommended Varieties, Rootstock selection is an important part of successful tomato production, especially in short seasons. That will usually cause a double fire with a mechanical trigger system in such a light gun. OP. Stevens 555 compact help. Who knew wild turkey's were so stupid!? By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your Stevens 555 Enhanced will provide years of trouble-free service. Maybe a bit of might be a nice gun for kids, but the wood is too nice to cut now. Fits me very well, and quite happy with the action. SHOTGUNS Availability. The 555 comes in two grades: the basic grade, which costs $692, and the 555 Enhanced, which is $863. Stevens always had a reputation for producing economical but well-built arms, and that tradition continues today. They are topped off with a raised 0.275-inch ventilated rib and have a brass bead front sight. (Ret.) WebToday a Stevens 555 will cost you an average of $669.83 which is $169.84 lower than the 12-week average price. Now from the reading I did, and speaking to the salesman at dicks the 555 has gotten a bad rap, he said that only a few of the ones he's sold have been known to double fire, and for the money you're almost to a good CZ. If so no CZ gun ever made will ever compare quality wise, to this new Stevens Silver 555 O/U Gun. It is not considered a significant problem. Videos . Stevens 555 double fire I would not touch one. But if you take care of your Stevens 555 Enhanced, youll be rewarded with years of shooting fun. stevens 555 23 results Filter Options Categories. The Stevens 555 is light and handles fast, thanks to a lightweight aluminum receiver. While there are a couple of rough spots here and there, the Model 555 is just right for scattergunners looking for an economical yet quality fowling piece to ply the uplands. Did you buy one ,have not heard what you ended up with . When my buddy shoots it, it always doubles, but it almost never does for me, I think it's kind of like limp wristing a pistol. Stevens offers the 555 in 12 and 20 gauge models. Feb 2017: They had it on clearance for $423 down from $579; I ended up getting it for $382. Users may find that their shotgun does not fire when they expect it. Hopefully someone on here can point you in the right direction. Stay informed and join our social networks! I think that the Savage 550 and the Stevens 555E were based on the same action. A forum community dedicated to Trap shooting enthusiasts. Second, it double fired on me on my 3rd shot. Part No. Ive shot it for 10 rounds of skeet or so now without any issues and triggers feel normal and Im really enjoying the gun. One fella replaced the sear springs, seemed to have cured it for him. However, there are some steps that you can take to try to prevent this problem. I am happy to report that the new Model 555 is delightful. I don't know about the Stevens 555E that had a double firing problem. Posts: 153. As a result, users may experience difficulties with reloading the shotgun. The Model 555 handled all loads, from the light 3/4-ounce 'Trainer ' to the heaviest 3-inch magnum steel shot loads. This site utilizes affiliate programs to generate revenue and as such purchasing a product reached by clicking on a link on this site may earn us a small commission on that sale. All in all, it makes for a very attractive finish. Post. Thinking of getting one for a beginner for skeet, dove gun. Light, fit well, but I lost interest in it and sold to get some cash for an old A5. Didnt matter, both barrels fired. Messages. Ph: (714) 638 - 3640 Never double fired and I have over 4000 rounds throw the barrel. Both barrels went off, regardless of the selector switch. Never fired one but there are other posts in here if you do a search. Re: Help Please - Stevens 555 needs trigger job. First shot, it double fired both barrels. This site utilizes affiliate programs to generate revenue and as such purchasing a product reached by clicking on a link on this site may earn us a small commission on that sale. Goldeneye: CONSEP ballistic needs for smaller Large duck, New Federal FIELD & TARGET Multi-Purpose Load are Rio hulls; +cutaway, 12 ga Non Alliant Steel steel-shot loads, 12ga Low-Recoil Mallard load for < 40 yds, Lowest Recoil Commercial 12ga Steel for waterfowl, 20 gauge hull cut aways, Win Universal, AA HS, CF; Rem, 20 ga 2.75 >= 7/8 oz steel with CSD20 wad, Remington American Clay &Field 20ga RXP20 stitched wad fail, 20 ga Suprema vs Rio hull, cracked basewad, Youth gun: Weatherby SA-08 20ga Compact (24 barrel, 12.5 LOP), 16 ga Steel-shot Fit test: PT1680 vs. CSD16 in cheddite hull, Tested: 16ga 410gr steel shot (overpressure). Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! I've got 2 cheapo CZ's and a Lanber. However, it is also known to have issues with the magazine release. Also produced was an eclectic array of oddball cartridges, including the .25 Stevens, .25 Stevens Short, .25-21, .21-21, and .25-25. Stevens 555 issues http://www.savageshooters.com/showthFiring-Problem # 4 08-13-2019, 02:40 AM 32-40win Join Date: Oct 2010 Location: Near Drumheller Posts: 6,273 Interesting thread on them on Shotgunworld as well, doubling. Range 50-100 Yards. Tannin Filter Cartridge, I took the 555 out to the range today and fired it for the first time. First, on his gun you could only shoot "doubles" if you shot the low barrel first (I think), if you shot the top barrel first it wouldn't fire the bottom barrel. I doubt Id have this issue with a Beretta 686 sp1, and would love that gun. For a handle!" I like shooting my 11-48 from my grandfather for doves, and my Weatherby SA-08 for non-tox ducks. I have a 555in 28 gathat is about 2 years old. Going on four years and hundreds of rounds. Actually that works pretty well onbirds dropping into decoys. by | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother Boom-Boom, but fired a single double (20gauge&28 gauge) An internet search reveals that this is an on going problem. Which store location had the Silver 555 28 gun on clearence, telehone number please! Basically every time. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The Savage 555 O/U right out of the box is light for a 12 gauge, weighing in at 6 lbs. Boom-Boom, but fired a single double barreled shot, one BOOM. Thank you for watching and being part of the Target Focused Life movement. Heterochromia Folklore, I researched this gun, and others, carefully for about 6 months, and was fully aware of the double-fire issue, and in fact did get a double fire on a 12ga 555 the one time I tried shooting it. Speaking of the trigger, the ones on the Model 555s I test-fired for this report are about as good as I've ever encountered. Significantly, the actions are sized for their respective gauges; there's no "one size fits all" philosophy here. we all deserve another gun. The cost in the United Kingdom, where Yildiz has a much wider market presence, is over 800 British pounds. Heavier sear springs fixes the "problem." The Stevens brand has always had a reputation for producing high quality at a low cost, and that tradition continues with the Model 555. Unfortunately there is very little difference, sight wise in the newer 555 with the newer trigger an no doubling problem and the early 555 that has the problems. Not really the gun's fault. The Stevens555 Enhanced is an excellent firearm for looking for a reliable and accurate weapon. It didn't double fire, i.e. Both times I did not have it properly shouldered. and the bottom barrel at 4.25lbs. In addition, the double-action-only trigger prevents the gun from accidentally firing if it is dropped or mishandled. I own a Stevens 555 in 20 gauge and the gun worked great. Ventilated side ribs add a touch of class and functional barrel cooling. Unfortunately there is very little difference, sight wise in the newer 555 with the newer trigger an no doubling problem and the early 555 that has the problems.