You make a bet, and you try to get snake eyes (which are two ones on the dice). See a tutorial for a specific command or system. They were just pretending to be dead, let me prove it, Dank Memer would like to know your location, BSOTE NOG, how it looks when your mom comes in without knocking, pls quote , pls savehumanity , pls slapsroof , how to tell if someone is having a stroke, I honestly have no clue what this command does, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad, pls vr , pls youtube . This filters out some items if family friendly mode is set to true. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); As Dank memer is one of the largest meme bot having over 100 and more commands dedicated to meme only. You don't keep your salary promotion after resigning or getting fired. Besides, we have over 30 different reminders to choose from, so you will never ever see the cooldown message from Dank Memer ever again! I know thies commands used to work as some of the commands were pinned tonthe channel in discord. This command is used to share items with someone! Add or remove the current guild as a premium server, or leave the arguments blank to list all of your premium servers. STEP 2: When you have completed inviting the bot to your discord server, then select the required server in which you want the bot to be added. You can resign if you want to by running the /work resign command, but you'll have to wait a full 3 hours until you can get another job. Make the bot say whatever you want with sass! Rayrsn/Dank-Memer-Auto-Typer - GitHub If you answered correctly within the time, you receive more than the salary listed and you may be promoted and get more salary. This command will link you to where you can purchase them. Check various lootboxes for some fun stats. His specialty is writing extremely detailed how-to guides that can be followed by even the most inexperienced person. Q&A for work. any way to contact or appeal for a ban. Use the /work apply command when applying for a job. If Dank adds any single interaction commands in the future I'll try my best to remember to update this script but until then I can't do anything . Is there even a difference? This is a list of items featured in Dank Memer. The more involved you are, the more items and coins you will receive! These multipliers can be boosted by . You have to use this prefix before each command. See someone's balance. You can pick a location to search in for stuff. Block the usage of certain items within your server. This item is purely used in the craft command to bond items together! Dank Assistant. Check your current coin multipliers within the bot. Discord Dank Memer Bot: How To Add And Use Commands. Jackpot wins big! Learn more about Teams Guess if the number is higher or lower and if you're right you get coins. To get a job on the Discord Dank Memer bot, you need to deploy the 'work' command. View and complete bundles to work towards the Collector badge. Deploy continuously to your cloud of choice, using your favorite language, Pulumi, and GitHub! Dank Memer/Items | Sandbox Wiki | Fandom This command is used to share items with someone! Cooldown(s) Add Dank Memer Discord Bot | Invite Link Prior to an update, Like Buttons could be used to decrease the chance of a, Robbers don't get negative text messages from their bosses when, You do not meet the requirements of work hours, You failed more then 3 mini-games a row within a day, Don't receive a bad message from your boss (Robbing), Exceed the total required amount of shift/day. Two things to note: Your account cannot be new to using the bot to share, and there are taxes taken out depending on how much you are sharing. How To Tell if Someone Is Appearing Offline on Discord. Moreover, Dank Memer has plenty of memes for everyone to enjoy. It allows you to monitor your websites performance in Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) and identify issues, as well as receive notifications about. Dont forget to add the prefix in front of them. You are now ready to use the bot to apply for a job. Before you can work in Discord Dank Memer, you must apply for a given job. They need to earn or lose the item in question to show up. Dank Memer related calculators, such as tax calculator, prestige calculator, daily . This command is a virtual fishing game! As Dank memer is one of the largest meme bot having over 100 and more commands dedicated to meme only. Giveaway Your email address will not be published. You can enable things by user, channel, or role. This command provides a simple way to earn quick coins, by guessing if the number is higher or lower. You will also learn a few . Remove an active item that is currently affecting you. It might have been that the bot did not get added into the server in one go or might have been down for some time. Simple and easy tictactoe game on dank memer. Dank Memer/Commands < Dank Memer. I recently haven't been able to use any dankmemer commands in my own server. You can also ask an administrator to add it for you. Aliases There is also more detailed stats to see if you use flags. any way to contact or appeal for a ban. Tool. Take your chances and test your skills at blackjack. So I ha e had this bot in my server for a while and I had a nsfw channel setup and I gave the bot access to it. Leave the user argument empty to see your own. Dank Assistant is a companion bot of the largest currency bot on Discord, Dank Memer. To fulfill your work, run /work shifts. In this guide, well highlight how you can add and use the dank memer bot along with its commands on Discord. Users can earn virtual currency by . Its not offensive if its true, so use this wisely. Warning, I am very good at stealing your money. These are features other bots either do not possess or do not have bundled, making Dank Memer an outstanding bot. Every hour there is a new item on sale as well! Discord provides users with the option of adding bots such as the dank memer bot to their servers to make their social interactions more fun and engaging. Showcase. You can lose the coin by dying in game, it might happen when you have used pls search and gone to a dangerous place. Fun. Dank memer bot also contains features to play games with your friends. Rob somebodys bank! This command provides a simple way to earn quick coins, by guessing if the number is higher or lower. pls trade <@user>. All expand_more. You have a random chance to either gain some coins (and sometimes items), and a random chance to get nothing at all. You can earn money by doing small tasks and also your money can be stolen by others so you have to keep them safe. Learn more about Teams This is a list of items featured in Dank Memer. You can view your hours worked by typing "pls work info". Name Following the slash command rewrite, this page has been edited - All Command articles will be going under rewrite in order to adapt to changes being made in how they are used. Do you ever find yourself in need of removing PageBuilder shortcodes from your WordPress website? Dank Memer Commands | Discord Bot | Discord Servers sendMessages Discord is a popular application that supports adding multiple bots to a server to help achieve different things. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. See the top 10 gamers in your server You can provide the name of any of the games in theGamescategory to see leaderboard information on that specific game. pls image This command will display a list of more categories that have images for memes. Dank Memer Typer Windows and Linux only DISCONTINUED Because half of the commands aren't compatible with the button update. They can be viewed using the /help categories command. Sick of someone asking dumb questions? It has over 26 jobs that anyone can apply for. Premium 10 Best Dank Memer Commands List -Tested By Major Sources Bet and then scratch off some spots on a card to try and win big. Multipliers (Command) is a currency command in Dank Memer. Description Check out your inventory, or someone elses! This command is used to use a currency item. This will not allow any other member to rob or heist. Note that you will not receive the item back after removing it. Discord Dank Memer Bot: How To Add And Use Commands Also, you can make your server more interactive by using, The dank memer bot should be properly set up on your discord server. Multipliers (Command) is a currency command in Dank Memer. Dank Memer Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. If you like playing around with Discord Bots, heres a list of the most useful Discord Bots. I will be providing the complete list of each command along with the most popular commands and guide to categories wherever required. We offer different Dank Memer related utilities, calculators and tools to help you or your server. Dank Memer Typer Windows and Linux only DISCONTINUED Because half of the commands aren't compatible with the button update. Community content is . Help with DANK MEMER NSFW Commands : r/dankmemer If you like to have some dank memer feature explanation added to this guide you can mention that in the comment section below. A command to get help with self-harm or suicidal thoughts, its NOT a joke to us. There are 6 games that are present in the dank memer bot when i am writing this article. If you have insufficient working hours, some jobs are locked so you can't choose them. They probably wouldn't want to be involved with another malicious API that . Executing the /work list command. 6,978. Read the latest important message from the developers. Ask the magic (and kinda rude) 8ball about your future! First, you must add Dank Memer to your server. Command Example 1: One of the most basic commands is pls help command which will give you a complete list of commands that the bot can support. Moreover, the Discord Dank Memer bot must be added to your server. Even Melmsie the founder of dank memer created this bot because he couldnt find some great memey material on discord. Make the bot say whatever you want in annoying spoiler form! Reminders for daily, lottery, gamble, hunt and many more; Accurate and Fast Item Sale Reminders; Dank Memer Calculators like prestigereqcalc, taxcalc Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. Dig in the dirt to see what you can find! One eye pays out 1.8x your bet, two pays out 10x. NOTE: Type pls help command to check if the bot is working properly. We also have the option to change the prefix from the discord setting, it may sometimes lead to the bot not working issues (hapenned to me I forgot the prefix of the about and thought the bot might be down) therefore be careful while changing the prefix. You can disable things per channel, role, or user. To be able to use it, you must not be a new user of our bot to prevent cheating! Loot Box. Features of Dank Memer Discord Bot. Block other users from interacting with you in various ways. This file is available for transparency with people claiming the command is rigged, and this gist will be updated every time the command is. I assume that the majority of the people using Dank Memer don't use it for the NSFW. See who in your server has the most of any one item! Bet on whether you'll get "snake eyes" or not! Also, I have mentioned the invite link of the dank memer bot. Dank Memer Commands. Prefix You can steal anywhere from 20% to 100% of their coins if successful! Sometimes youll find bugs, sometimes more than just bugs! Select the one you wish to add the Dank Memer Bot to. You can play games or enjoy memes besides using the Discord Dank Memer for work. Find the difference, just kidding there is none, pls crab , . Add Dank Assistant Discord Bot | Invite Link Two things to note: Your account cannot be new to using the bot to share, and there are taxes taken out depending on how much you are sharing. Pack. NOTE: You will be able to see the dank memer icon on the left sidebar in the bot section and also you will receive an automated message which will contain some basic information. Withdraw money from your bank into your pocket. You can remove a premium guild by its ID by specifying the ID after `remove`, like `pls premiumserver remove [id]`, you can get the ID by listing your redeemed premium servers, Adjust server-specific settings and cool stuff, Adjust user-specific settings and cool stuff, How to Use Dyno Bot Discord [ Dyno Bot Commands Guide ], How to Use Server Stats bot discord [Server Stats bot commands], 10 Best Discord Servers For Chatting With Stranger In 2023, 10 Best Anime Discord Servers To Join In 2023, How to use Naruto Botto Bot Discord [ Naruto Botto Bot Commands ], How to Use Reaction Roles Bot Discord [ Reaction Roles Commands ], How to Use Myuu Bot Discord [ Myuu Bot Commands Guide ]. For the bot to work correctly, accept all permissions. Click on the authorize button when you have seen the permissions. Work is a currency command in Dank Memer. Doing this command more than one day in a row starts a streak which can get you more coins! 4chan Antiantijoke Antijoke Blacktwitter Chucknorris Comics Create Discordmeme Facepalm Joke Meirl Meme Memeeconomy Prequel Pun Sequel Surreal Tifu Wholesome Dankrate Deletethis Doot Emojify Epicgamerrate Lenny . (Coins from this command are affected by your multiplier). Melmsie and Team | Creating Dank Memer | Patreon Here youll find the complete list sorted in order. So working for less than that can risk me being fired. To apply for a job, run /work apply , and to resign from a job, run /work resign. Your odds of winning any given hour are 1 in however many people entered. You cast out your fishing pole (which you can buy in the shop), and have a chance to catch a fish! You can easily get promoted or fired when hired on Dank Memer. To create a giveaway for items, you can use the command /giveaway create coins, from here you are required to input: Some pages of this wiki is currently being rewritten in order to adapt to recent changes being made on Dank Memer. Every hour there is a new item on sale as well! Rob somebodys bank! I think this might have given you a basic idea how to use dank memer commands. Shows pocket and bank, if you are using it for yourself it also shows your bankspace available. Examples of these jobs include babysitter, Discord mod, housewife, Twitch streamer, fast food cook, bartender, professional hunter, YouTuber, etc. pls help (Without the inverted commas) This command is the most basic and first command you can enter. Heres a complete step-by-step process you can follow for the same. This subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer related memes, announcements, sharing experiences with other Dank Memer users. - 5% more luck in many grind commands. Moreover, we will cover the steps to use the bot, from adding it to your server to applying for a job. If commands are disabled, you can do pls disable clear to remove all disables or pls disable remove 4 for example to remove a number on the list. His specialty is writing extremely detailed how-to guides that even the most unexperienced person could follow. How To Get a Job on Discord Dank Memer Bot? | ITGeared With Dank Assistant, you will be reminded exactly when your cooldown is over! It's mainly to manage your job within the bot, like applying, resigning, doing work shifts, checking your work stars, and checking out other types of jobs. Lets explore these games one by one. Check the disable list using pls disable list . These multipliers can be boosted by the use of boosting items, as detailed in the table, and the ones that isn't included in the command, those booster items include: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It will simply open up the complete list of categories that the dank memer bot holds. There are many features of dank memer bot such as currency, playing games, memes, etc.